Site Work & Grading

Comprehensive Solutions for Your Property

At Jem Paving, we bring to the table years of expertise and precision in site work and grading services, ensuring a solid foundation for your construction projects. Our comprehensive solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your property, ensuring seamless site preparation from start to finish.


Grading is an essential part of site preparation that involves the re-grading and compaction of existing stone lots or the installation of new stone lot areas. We also provide site grading repairs due to construction or property damage and changes to property grades to aid in proper water flow to eliminate potential damage to buildings and paved surfaces. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to create a stable and level surface for your property.


Poor drainage can lead to a host of issues, including property damage and safety hazards. We specialize in the installation of underground drainage systems, including French drains, channel drains, and swales. We also provide retention pond and detention pond installation and maintenance, including de-silting of the areas. Our drainage solutions are tailored to your property's unique needs to ensure effective water management and prevent future problems.

Inlet/Storm Drain Structures

Inlet and storm drain structures are crucial for protecting your property from water damage and preserving the environment. We understand that it's common for inlets to fail, causing depressions and sinkholes around these structures, resulting in dangerous conditions to traffic and pedestrians. Our team offers a range of services, including the rebuild of existing inlets, replacement of damaged grates and headwalls, and replacement of headwalls and grates with Eco and bicycle safe units to meet compliance codes and aid in maintenance of these inlet structures.

Subcontract Your Site Work & Grading

In addition to providing site work and grading services for property owners, we also offer subcontractor services for contractors who require assistance with their projects. Our team has extensive experience working as a subcontractor on a range of projects, including commercial, residential, and municipal developments.

When you choose us as your subcontractor, you can count on our team to provide expert support and quality workmanship throughout every phase of the project. We work closely with our clients to ensure that we meet their needs and exceed their expectations.